Apple Wireless Trackpad vs elementary OS 0.4.1 Loki

M’he trobat problemes per configurar el trackpad en l’entorn gràfic del elementaryOS.

Poso les passes que he fet desde la línia de comandes com a usuari local:

sergi@imac:~$ bluetoothctl

[bluetooth]# devices 

Device D8:A2:5E:F6:DB:39 Apple Wireless Trackpad

[bluetooth]# trust D8:A2:5E:F6:DB:39 

[CHG] Device D8:A2:5E:F6:DB:39 Trusted: yes
Changing D8:A2:5E:F6:DB:39 trust succeeded

[bluetooth]# pair D8:A2:5E:F6:DB:39 

Attempting to pair with D8:A2:5E:F6:DB:39
[CHG] Device D8:A2:5E:F6:DB:39 Connected: yes
[CHG] Device D8:A2:5E:F6:DB:39 Paired: yes
Pairing successful
[CHG] Device D8:A2:5E:F6:DB:39 Connected: no

[bluetooth]# connect D8:A2:5E:F6:DB:39 

Attempting to connect to D8:A2:5E:F6:DB:39
[CHG] Device D8:A2:5E:F6:DB:39 Connected: yes
Connection successful

Abans previament he carregat els controladors com usuari ‘root’ i habilitat el codi pin per defecte:

mkdir -p /var/lib/bluetooth/D8\:A2\:5E\:F6\:DB\:39/
echo "0000" > /var/lib/bluetooth/D8\:A2\:5E\:F6\:DB\:39/pincodes
chmod 600 /var/lib/bluetooth/D8\:A2\:5E\:F6\:DB\:39/pincodes
modprobe hid
modprobe hid_magicmouse